Cell Cycle & Cancer Biology Research Program

Rankin Lab
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
825 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
825 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA
New microscope installed! - Super exciting! Thanks so much to OCASCR for helping us to purchase this great tool. Here are Renata and Joe from Nikon right after they completed installation.
Grant renewed!!! - Yup, my R01 renewal is official. So grateful to be funded to do this work. We have been plugging away on a difficult problem and things are getting really interesting. Thanks to everyone in the lab for their hard work!
Welcome Zane! - Happy to announce we have a new technician in the lab. Zane Rulon will be helping out with cloning, protein preps, and hopefully frog work. Welcome aboard Zane.